NUST-GIZ Grant Agreement on Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development

Supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and based at NUST.
The aim is to support knowledge and capacity development activities to support inclusive and sustainable urban development in partnership with stakeholders locally and abroad.
The grant is based at the Integrated Land Management Institute to facilitate cross-university engagement around matters of sustainable and inclusive urban development. It runs from June 2021 until March 2023, and entails four activities:
(1) the Development of Curriculum on Informal Settlement Upgrading,
(2) the Implementation of the urban design workshops,
(3) an Applied Research Programme, and
(4) a cycle of the Urban Forum programme during the grant’s period.
The grant is managed by a coordinator, Dr Guillermo Delgado; and an administrator, Ms Rosine Biraheka.
For more information, please contact: