Participatory Informal Settlement Upgrading Project: Namibia

The Institute for Land, Livelihoods and Housing Management (ILLH) at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) has been selected as the implementing partner for the project “Participatory Informal Settlement Upgrading in Namibia. Urban diagnostics and informal settlement upgrading strategies in Namibia” with UN Habitat, the Namibia Housing Action Group (NHAG), the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN), in partnership with the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD), the City of Windhoek and a selection of local authorities in Namibia. The project will be implemented in close coordination with the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ). 

Download the project's introductory sheet here.

The project has two main components. The first one is to “Strengthen global partnerships and policy dialogue for participatory informal settlement upgrading and prevention”, which includes the following activities:

   1.1    The development (and update, where available) of urban diagnostics in Windhoek and in a selection of urban areas throughout the country
   1.2    The development of Citywide Informal Settlement Upgrading Strategies for Windhoek and a selection of urban areas throughout the country

The second is to “Improve knowledge and capacities for participatory informal settlement upgrading and prevention, and living conditions of those living in informal settlements”, which includes the following activities:

   2.1    The development of a National Strategy for Informal Settlement Upgrading in line with Harambee Prosperity Plan 2 (Social Progression Pillar, Activity 2, point a)
   2.2    The development of financing strategies for participatory informal settlement upgrading up-scaling, participatory planning and support for strategic community-driven projects

The team implementing this project is composed of economists, architects, urban planners, land administrators, community organisers, together with a team of young professionals and researchers and administrative support. The project will run from March until September 2022; and the team will operate primarily from the offices of ILMI at NUST. For more information, please contact: or 061 207 2924

For more information about NUST's work on informal settlements, see "Community-led Informal Settlement Upgrading. Portfolio of relevant expertise" 2021
