Online/live discussion on the proposed Spatial Development Framework for Swakopmund

Thursday, July 16th, 14-15.30h, through a blended modality accommodating both live and online discussions in light of COVID-19 regulations.
See video of the session here:, and download a summary of the key points HERE.
Spatial Development Frameworks (SDFs) aim to guide the development of urban areas and have considerable impact both in the way the built environment unfolds and in the everyday life of those inhabiting these spaces. The proposed SDF for Swakopmund is open for comments until July 17th, and the documents were available online for download: [link not working anymore].
It is in this context that we're providing a platform to discuss these draft documents with colleagues from different disciplines within and beyond the university; as well as with guest colleagues representing local government, organised communities, and other disciplines concerning urban life.
For those able to attend in person, a social distancing-ready venue will be enabled at the Seminar Room at the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning, at NUST (see directions here: To keep the amount of people within limits, we kindly ask you to confirm to
For those who prefer to join via Zoom, the following link will be enabled to participate (there is no password): (More information below)
Planners, engineers, property valuers, environmental practitioners, architects, scholars in humanities, and those working on issues of urban development are particularly encouraged to attend.
This is one in a series of discussions on upcoming Spatial Development Frameworks; which we plan to host to cultivate debate on the urban futures being currently decided for the different urban areas in Namibia.