Consultation workshops on the review of the National Housing Policy & Implementation Action Plan

NUST team co-organised consultation worshops with various stakeholders from different regions.
After the consultation of the National Housing Policy and the Development of the National Strategy for Informal Settlement Upgrading that was held 16-17 February 2022, three more consultations took place throughout the year. Two regional and one national events were organized for further review of the National Housing Policy and development of the Implementation Action Plan (IAP) for the policy.
The first regional consultation was held in Otjiwarongo on 16-17 of November 2022 and the second regional consultation took place in Oshakati on 21-22 of November 2022. NUST was part of the task team together with the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, the National Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, the Namibia Housing Action Group and the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia, and the National Housing Enterprise. In attendance to the consultations were the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA), regional councils, local authorities, village councils, private sector representatives, civil society organizations, members of academia, international cooperation organizations, and other delegates who joined from abroad through video conferencing facilities.
The national consultation was held in Windhoek on the 6-7 of December. Honorable Erastus Uutoni and Honorable Nathalia //Goagoses, Minister and Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural Development respectively, were part of the consultation.
The IAP has seven policy objectives, entailing fourteen strategies and sixty six activities that speak to the indicators and outputs. The consultations also included a presentation of the National Housing Information System that has been recently launched by the NSA and the recently-released report by the Law Reform and Development Commission on the laws impeding access to land and housing in Namibia
Recently, a workshop was held in Windhoek on the 3 of February 2023, with the Central Procurement Board of Namibia and the Ministry of finance for the alignment of the National Housing Policy to Public Procurement Act, 2015 (Act No 15 of 2015) and its Regulations.
The Committee of Ministers has requested that the National Housing Policy be finalized and submitted by the end of February, 2023.
For more information, you can reach Ms Aune Shikongo, NUST Team, TTNHP:
Consultation in Otjiwarongo, 16-17 November, 2022
Consultation in Oskakati, 21-22 November, 2022
Consultation in Windhoek, 6-7 December, 2023
Presentaitons for all workshops
National Housing Policy revision, by Dr Phillip Luehl
Implementation Action Plan by Dr Thomas Chiramba
LRDC report on laws impeding access to urban land and housing in Namibia, by Ministry of Justice