Revision of the National Housing Policy

UPDATE: November, 2023. The revision of the National Housing Policy has been approved. Draft to be made available online soon. Read the news about this here.
On 2021, a Task Team was formed including the Minsitry of Urban and Rural Development, the Ministry of Finance, the National Planning Commission, the National Housing Enterprise, the Namibia Housing Action Group, the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia and the Namibia University of Science and Technology, to propose a comprehensive and responsive revision to the National Housing Policy. You can see the terms of reference here.
At NUST, the process is led by Dr Phillip Luhl, Head of the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning at NUST.; Dr Guillermo Delgado, Senior Researcher and Acting Director of the Institute for Land, Livelihoods and Housing; and Dr Thomas Chiramba, Adjunct Professor at NUST. The policy is now available for consultation, leading to a consultation event before the final draft is delivered to cabinet.
The documentation of the initial consultation in February 2022 can be found in this page.
The documentation of the following consultations throughout 2022 can be found in this page.
The revised housing policy was approved in November 2023. The final version can be found here.
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