Doing research on socio-spatial development in Namibia: Lunch lecture + Workshop with Dr Lalli Metsola (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019; Seminar Room, Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning
Lecture: 12h30-14h00
Workshop: 14h-16h00
See photos of the event here.
Read Dr Metsola's presentation here.
Download the list of recommended readings on ethnography prepared by Dr Metsola here.
During the lecture, Dr Metsola will present advances on his research on “Residential Claims, Emergent Citizenship Regimes and Alternative Social Contracts in Southern Africa” which he is currently undertaking in Namibia.
For those who are further interested in a deeper understanding on the methodological aspects of his research, a workshop will follow with the aim of supporting researchers at the postgraduate level in the planning and undertaking of their work. The workshop is open to students at the postgraduate level and faculty interested in the themes and/or methods outlined above.
Further reading of Dr Metsola's work:
- Metsola, L. (2019). “Residential Claims, Emergent Citizenship Regimes and Alternative Social Contracts in Southern Africa” (Research Proposal)
- Metsola, L. (2018). Incremental Dependencies: Politics and Ethics of Claim-making at the Fringes of Windhoek, Namibia. In C. Ammann & T. Förster (Eds.), African Cities and the Development Conundrum (pp. 162–187). Retrieved from
About Dr Metsola. He received his master’s degree in cultural anthropology and his doctorate in development studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His current research examines claim-making dynamics related to urban land, basic services, and housing in Namibia and Botswana. Previously, he studied former exiles, ex-combatants, and veterans in Namibia. He specializes in urban studies, political anthropology, state formation, citizenship and post-conflict transformations in Southern Africa from a comparative perspective. He can be reached at